
Mexico has a great variety of opportunities for volunteers to sift through as they look for the one that fits them best. Currently, the majority of volunteering opportunities in Mexico are in customer service/hospitality. There are also opportunities to volunteer with children and to help in the architectural and agricultural sectors.


Check out our guide to volunteering in Mexico, we show you how to get the foundations in place so you can start applying with confidence to go volunteering in Mexico.


How HelpStay works? Volunteer in Mexico for free and you’ll get to see Mexico while enjoying a low cost work away adventure with HelpStay. HelpStay is a skills-based volunteering platform that connects travellers with hosts of great projects around the world. The platform makes travelling meaningful and affordable by allowing helpers to exchange work for accommodation. The host opportunities featured on the site have been vetted and reviewed by the HelpStay staff. This keeps helpers safe and the community strong.


Browse Opportunities: Helpers can browse the profiles of different hosts by location or type of help activity. They’ll see photos and information on what type of help activity is being sought and how many hours they can expect to put in for their stay. If a helper finds a hosting opportunity that they’re interested in, they can send the host a message directly. The message should include some information about the helper and why they think they’ll be a good fit.