United States

Volunteer in the United States for FREE: Work in exchange for free room and board. Volunteer jobs in the United States can include backpacker hostel work, educational projects, animal care, spreading environmental awareness, teaching English, farm helping or volunteering with a benevolent cause.


Check out our guide to volunteering in the United States, we show you how to get the foundations in place so you can start applying with confidence to go volunteering in the United States.


Browse Opportunities: Helpers can browse the profiles of different hosts by location or type of help activity. They’ll see photos and information on what type of help activity is being sought and how many hours they can expect to put in for their stay. If a helper finds a hosting opportunity that they’re interested in, they can send the host a message directly. The message should include some information about the helper and why they think they’ll be a good fit.


Writing Your Message: When messaging the host, the helper should  think what relevant experience that they have that will make them a good fit for this type of work. Openness and honesty is key at HelpStay. If the helper doesn’t have any relevant experience but is willing to learn on-the-job then they just need to say it. Most hosts won’t expect a helper to be a seasoned gardener or experienced English teacher.

Farm Stay in the USA

Farm Stay in the USA

We encourage volunteers to work at least 4 hours with us at a time. All skillsets are welcome or we will teach you. Just bring for yourself a tent or hammock and we will provide you with wholesome food.

Volunteer Now >

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