Volunteer work in Sweden: Help at our Hotel in Lapland and learn the Arctic way of life
(Photo by SkyVillage Sweden)

Volunteer work in Sweden – Learn the Arctic way of life

We are very capable group of people who handle both the accommodation and the wilderness guided tours. So, we offer volunteer work in Sweden.

We love having day trips and enjoying outdoor quality time everytime we can, but since this is a tourist business, there are a lot of different jobs which involve being in contact with guests 24/7.

Some of the jobs include: check-in, check-out, cleaning rooms, serving breakfast, but also helping the guides handling tours in the wild.

Most of our work-load is based upon reservations, but as you can imagine, arctic life has a lot of unforeseen events and problems that need to be solved on the spot, so you will be expected to be around (unless it is your free day, of course).

Anyway, we tend to be pretty straightforward with the work calendar so that everyone can arrange their free time as they please 🙂 there is always plenty of time to enjoy Kiruna, Kurravaara, the Torne River, Abisko and the magnificent wilderness around the hotel.

We can provide jackets, pants and boots, but you are expected to bring everything you think you might need to survive the winter up here! (temperatures can reach -30 or less sometimes). Due to previous experiences with volunteers, we have settled a “trial period” of 2 weeks for both sides in which any party (you or us) can cancel the agreement without any further issues.

Volunteer work in Sweden tasks & roles

If you volunteer work in Sweden and join us, you will work in a team, and that means sticking to the calendar. Nevertheless, we can decide together what activity you would rather do from within the workload at our camp.

For example, some of the activities include:

  • Prepare & Serve breakfast
  • Check in/outs
  • Room turnover/Cleaning
  • Prepare Sauna
  • Chop wood
  • Laundry
  • General Maintenance

There will be always a fixed calendar, and most probably some extra hours off the calendar, but we will make sure you always have enough time to join our guided tours or explore Lapland’s wilderness on your own!

We love to go ice-fishing, snowshoeing, animal spotting, and of course, staying up until late hunting northern lights

This is a wellness accommodation, located right in the middle of Sweden’s wilderness. Therefore, rule number one is respecting nature by keeping it clean at all times.

  • Smoking is only allowed outside (cigarette butts need to be cleaned away).
  • Wild Animals are not meant to be bothered or hurt.
  • Respect work colleagues.
  • Be aware of your own limitations.
  • Enjoy Lapland

Volunteer work in Sweden living

You’ll be sharing a cottage with other helpers (maximum of 3 per cabin) and be given the opportunity to shop (with a budget) once a week with the other members of the staff *. Take into consideration that there are no supermarkets or shops in the nearby area, so everything that needs to be bought needs to be planned in advance.

  • alcohol, cigarettes and personal hygiene supplies are not included.
  • cannot provide with vegan requirements.

What else?

In order to volunteer work in Sweden here, you need to be self-driven and socially engaging with the rest of the team at the camp premises. Life up in the north is already harsh given the weather conditions, so we would love people with the sort of personality which does not depend on the sunshine.

Important: no excuse for being lazy due to heavy weather! Own travel insurance recommended.

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